Create and sign a Bitcoin transaction with three inputs and three outputs. Add it to the Bitcoin blockchain.
- Create a transaction with two inputs and three outputs.
- Create a transaction with three inputs and two outputs.
- Goal
- Contents
- Brief Summary
- Project Plan
- Notes
- Project Log
Brief Summary
Carried out Project Plan 99% successfully.
Minor issue: In transaction Tx6, accidentally set output address to be address A1 instead of A3. This meant that transaction Tx7 transferred bitcoin from A1 (not A3) back to the online exchange account.
Project Plan
- In transaction Tx1, transfer bitcoin from an online exchange account to address A1.
- In transaction Tx2, spend bitcoin from A1, creating two outputs, both of which go to A1.
- In transaction Tx3, spend the two unspent outputs currently in A1, sending them to addresses A2, A3, and A4.
- In transaction Tx4, transfer bitcoin from A2, A3, and A4 to addresses A5, A6, and A7.
- In transaction Tx5, transfer bitcoin from A5, A6, and A7 to addresses A1 and A2.
- In transaction Tx6, transfer bitcoin from A1 and A2 to A3.
- In transaction Tx7, transfer bitcoin from A3 back to the online exchange account.
- Use Edgecase Bitcoin Storage Toolset version 2 (EBSTv2) to generate 7 Bitcoin private keys and addresses.
- Estimate the transaction fees required for transactions T2-T7.
- Choose an amount to transfer in transaction T1. This amount should be significantly greater than the estimated total transaction fees, so that some tolerance is available for changes in the fee rate during the project.
- Use an online exchange account to transfer this amount of bitcoin to A1. This is transaction T1.
- Use EBSTv2 to create the transactions T2-T7. Wait for each to be mined before creating the next one.
- Various services will be needed when creating the transactions. The types of services are listed on the page Transaction services. I'll record the specific services that I use during the project.
Financial information:
- Mined transactions used various fee rates.
- Current BTC/USD exchange rate: 1 BTC ~= 10520 USD.
- T1 sent 0.01 BTC (~105 USD) to address A1.
- T7 returned 0.00935870 BTC (~98.45 USD) to online exchange account.
- Total transaction fees: 0.01 - 0.00935870 = 0.00064130 BTC (~6.75 USD)
- Total size of transactions T2-T7: 2621 bytes
- Estimated total size of transactions T2-T7: 2622 bytes
- Allocated total transaction fees: 2622 bytes * 100 satoshi / byte = 262200 satoshis
= 0.00262200 BTC (~27.58 USD)
Estimated transaction sizes:
- Tx2: 257 bytes
- Tx3: 471 bytes
- Tx4: 651 bytes
- Tx5: 617 bytes
- Tx6: 403 bytes
- Tx7: 223 bytes
Total bytes: 2622
Actual transaction sizes:
- Tx2: 257 bytes
- Tx3: 471 bytes
- Tx4: 651 bytes
- Tx5: 616 bytes
- Tx6: 403 bytes
- Tx7: 223 bytes
Total bytes: 2621
Project Log
Work machine:
- Name: Judgement
- Windows 10
- Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL): Ubuntu 16.04
- I'm working in the WSL Ubuntu terminal.
First, download EBSTv2.
- Browse to Edgecase Bitcoin Storage Toolset version 2
- Scroll to the Downloadable Assets section.
- Download all the assets.
List of assets:
- bitcoin_functions_2.py
- bjorn_edstrom_ripemd160.py
- convert_dice_rolls_to_hex_bytes_3.py
- create_nonstandard_transaction_3.py
- create_transaction_3.py
- ecdsa-0.10.tar.gz
- generate_bitcoin_address_4.py
- nonstandard_bitcoin_functions_2.py
- nonstandard_transaction_3.py
- pypy_sha256.py
- transaction_3.py
Create a work directory. Move the EBSTv2 assets into it.
Use this recipe for generating Bitcoin private keys:
Recipe for generating entropy bytes using dice #2
Use this recipe for generating Bitcoin addresses:
Recipe for generating a Bitcoin address #2
Generate 7 private keys and addresses.
New approach to address and private key storage in a text file:
- Call each combination of a private key and an address a "keypair" and give it a keypair number.
- Make three copies of each private key and address, so as to be resilient to typos by default.
Keypair 1 (Kp1):
- Private key 1 (P1):
- Address 1 (A1):
- P2:
- A2:
- P3:
- A3:
- P4:
- A4:
- P5:
- A5:
- P6:
- A6:
- P7:
- A7:
- Private key 1 (P1):
- Address 1 (A1):
- P2:
- A2:
- P3:
- A3:
- P4:
- A4:
- P5:
- A5:
- P6:
- A6:
- P7:
- A7:
Let's look at the project outline again.
- In transaction Tx1, transfer bitcoin from an online exchange account to address A1.
- In transaction Tx2, spend bitcoin from A1, creating two outputs, both of which go to A1.
- In transaction Tx3, spend the two unspent outputs currently in A1, sending them to addresses A2, A3, and A4.
- In transaction Tx4, transfer bitcoin from A2, A3, and A4 to addresses A5, A6, and A7.
- In transaction Tx5, transfer bitcoin from A5, A6, and A7 to addresses A1 and A2.
- In transaction Tx6, transfer bitcoin from A1 and A2 to A3.
- In transaction Tx7, transfer bitcoin from A3 back to the online exchange account.
List the number of inputs and outputs for each transaction that we will create during this project.
- Tx1: N/A (we don't create this one)
- Tx2: 1 input, 2 outputs
- Tx3: 2 inputs, 3 outputs
- Tx4: 3 inputs, 3 outputs
- Tx5: 3 inputs, 2 outputs
- Tx6: 2 inputs, 1 output
- Tx7: 1 input, 1 output
In the previous project Creating and signing a standard Bitcoin transaction with two inputs and two outputs, I found these estimated sizes:
- Basic 1-input 1-output standard transaction: 223 bytes
- 1 additional input: 180 bytes
- 1 additional output: 34 bytes
Hm. 223 - 180 - 34 = 9
So the base number of bytes (with no inputs and outputs) for a standard transaction is ~9.
Estimate the size of each transaction:
- Tx2: 9 + 1*180 + 2*34 = 257 bytes
- Tx3: 9 + 2*180 + 3*34 = 471 bytes
- Tx4: 9 + 3*180 + 3*34 = 651 bytes
- Tx5: 9 + 3*180 + 2*34 = 617 bytes
- Tx6: 9 + 2*180 + 1*34 = 403 bytes
- Tx7: 9 + 1*180 + 1*34 = 223 bytes
Total bytes:
257 + 471 + 651 + 617 + 403 + 223 = 2622
Use bitcoinfees.earn.com to look up current Bitcoin transaction fee rates.
For inclusion in the next 0-1 blocks, the current fee rate is 100 satoshi / byte.
2622 bytes * 100 satoshi / byte = 262200 satoshis
= 0.00262200 bitcoin
At current BTC/USD exchange rate (1 BTC = ~10520 USD), this is ~27.58 USD.
Choose an amount to transfer in transaction Tx1. This amount should be significantly greater than the estimated total transaction fees, so that some tolerance is available for changes in the fee rate during the project.
I'll transfer about $100 worth of bitcoin. Currently, this is approximately 0.01 BTC.
Log on to Solidi.
Use Solidi to transfer 0.01 BTC to address A1.
Done. Txid:
Next: Create transaction Tx2, which will transfer bitcoin from A1 to: A1 and A1.
Follow this recipe to create transaction Tx2:
Recipe for creating and signing a standard Bitcoin transaction #2
I'll use a fee of 100 satoshi / byte. Estimated delay: 0-1 blocks (0-50 minutes).
If it isn't mined, I'll use Recipe for managing the fee and broadcast of a Bitcoin transaction #2.
A random 32 byte value ("K" value) is required for making the transaction input signature. Generate a random 32 byte value using this recipe: Recipe for generating entropy bytes using dice #2
K value 1 (K1):
Use Recipe for looking up the unspent outputs in a Bitcoin address #2 to get the details of the unspent output in address A1.
stjohn@judgement:work$ python get_unspent_outputs_in_address.py --address 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX
address: 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX
balance (satoshi): 1000000
balance (bitcoin): 0.01000000
- unspent output 0:
-- txid: dcb76b885dd8130a5e926edde743b8cae969449213686313917eb4ccda6bf3cf
-- previous_output_index: 0
-- satoshi_value: 1000000
-- bitcoin_value: 0.01000000
I've set the controls in the tool create_transaction_3.py as shown below.
# Note: Hex characters in input variable values must be lowercase. | |
random_values = [ | |
"9a1f6aec7c093dd63676f18520cab23c989a387a56ce870b1296510d0b11c7a8", | |
] | |
# random_value must be between 1 and 32 bytes. If random_value_type is "raw_bytes", then random_value must be between 1 and 32 ASCII characters. If random_value_type is "hex_bytes", then random_value must be an even number of hex characters and between 2 and 64 hex characters (1 byte is represented by 2 hex characters). | |
# Note: Every ECDSA signature (one for each input in a transaction) requires new random entropy. | |
# random_value_type options: ["raw_bytes", "hex_bytes"] | |
random_value_type = "hex_bytes" | |
input_data = [ | |
{ | |
"txid": "dcb76b885dd8130a5e926edde743b8cae969449213686313917eb4ccda6bf3cf", | |
"previous_output_index": "0", | |
"private_key_hex": "1647a11df9b9785669d630fa90d6c8242a622a8fc077fb50fc4c52f8391c22ad", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.01", | |
}, | |
] | |
output_data = [ | |
{ | |
"address": "1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.005", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"address": "1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.005", | |
}, | |
] | |
# note: all inputs and outputs are assumed to be Pay-To-Public-Key-Hash (P2PKH). | |
change_address = "1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX" | |
# note: the fee will be subtracted from the amount that is being sent to the change address. | |
fee = "" # satoshi | |
fee_rate = "100" # satoshi / byte | |
# fee_type options: ["fee", "fee_rate"] | |
fee_type = "fee_rate" | |
Create and sign the transaction.
stjohn@judgement:work$ python create_transaction_3.py
- Fee type: fee_rate
- Fee rate: 100.0 (satoshi / byte)
- Number of inputs (i.e. as-yet-unspent outputs): 1
- Number of outputs: 2
- Change address: 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX
- Amount to be sent to the change address: 0.005
- Input addresses, with total-value-to-be-sent:
-- 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX: 0.01000000
- Output addresses, with total-value-to-be-received:
-- 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX: 0.01000000
- Total value of all inputs: 0.01000000
- Total value of all outputs: 0.01000000
- Total value of all inputs exactly matches total value of all outputs.
- Estimated transaction size: 257 bytes
- Fee rate: 100.0 (satoshi / byte)
- Calculate 257 * 100.0 and round up to nearest satoshi.
- Final fee: 25700 (satoshi)
- Final fee rate (using estimated transaction size): 100.0000 (satoshi per byte)
- Fee subtracted from amount-to-be-sent-to-change-address.
- New amount to be sent to change address: 474300 (satoshi)
- Size of signed transaction: 257 bytes
- (signed_tx_size - estimated_tx_size): 0 bytes
- Fee rate in signed transaction: 100.0 (satoshi / byte)
Input 0:
Input: {40 bytes unsigned, 66 bytes signable, 179 bytes signed}
- [data] previous_output_hash: cff36bdaccb47e9113636813924469e9cab843e7dd6e925e0a13d85d886bb7dc (32 bytes)
- [data] previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
- [signed form] script_length: 8a (1 bytes)
- [signed form] scriptSig: 47304402207da19140017b49a6bd5dad326d4fe21edc0337ef4d5d1415e6aba1e3419a703702204c6617b87383efc3bab4d3b082a350a72754ecd85c7ed6287923cb862615b88d0141045141d905ca3f3c688bd1fd9b2d91ffeb7c12082dcfe2674ccf0239d75b0456acdf5a53b153907a14712d1c6743a264488e7705c42229fe4d2365bfcd592ab254 (138 bytes)
- [data] sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- [used for signing] private_key_hex: 1647a11df9b9785669d630fa90d6c8242a622a8fc077fb50fc4c52f8391c22ad (32 bytes)
- [source, goes into scriptSig] public_key_hex: 045141d905ca3f3c688bd1fd9b2d91ffeb7c12082dcfe2674ccf0239d75b0456acdf5a53b153907a14712d1c6743a264488e7705c42229fe4d2365bfcd592ab254 (65 bytes)
- [signable form] script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
- [signable form] scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX
- [more info] previous_output_index_int: 0
- [more info] txid: dcb76b885dd8130a5e926edde743b8cae969449213686313917eb4ccda6bf3cf
Output 0:
Output: {34 bytes}
- [data] value: bc3c070000000000 (8 bytes)
- [data] script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
- [data] scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX
- [more info] bitcoin_amount: 0.00474300
- [more info] satoshi_amount: 474300
- [more info] public_key_hash_hex: 6bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d
Output 1:
Output: {34 bytes}
- [data] value: 20a1070000000000 (8 bytes)
- [data] script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
- [data] scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX
- [more info] bitcoin_amount: 0.005
- [more info] satoshi_amount: 500000
- [more info] public_key_hash_hex: 6bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d
Transaction (unsigned form): {118 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 01 (1 bytes)
- Input 0: {40 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: cff36bdaccb47e9113636813924469e9cab843e7dd6e925e0a13d85d886bb7dc (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: [none] (0 bytes)
-- scriptSig: [none] (0 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 02 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: bc3c070000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- Output 1: {34 bytes}
-- value: 20a1070000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
Transaction (signable form 0): {148 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 01 (1 bytes)
- Input 0 [to be used to sign this signable form]: {66 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: cff36bdaccb47e9113636813924469e9cab843e7dd6e925e0a13d85d886bb7dc (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 02 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: bc3c070000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- Output 1: {34 bytes}
-- value: 20a1070000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
- hash_type_4_byte: 01000000 (4 bytes)
Transaction (signed form): {257 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 01 (1 bytes)
- Input 0: {179 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: cff36bdaccb47e9113636813924469e9cab843e7dd6e925e0a13d85d886bb7dc (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 8a (1 bytes)
-- scriptSig: 47304402207da19140017b49a6bd5dad326d4fe21edc0337ef4d5d1415e6aba1e3419a703702204c6617b87383efc3bab4d3b082a350a72754ecd85c7ed6287923cb862615b88d0141045141d905ca3f3c688bd1fd9b2d91ffeb7c12082dcfe2674ccf0239d75b0456acdf5a53b153907a14712d1c6743a264488e7705c42229fe4d2365bfcd592ab254 (138 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 02 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: bc3c070000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- Output 1: {34 bytes}
-- value: 20a1070000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
Signed transaction:
Signed transaction Tx2:
to decode Tx2 and confirm that it's formatted correctly.
to broadcast Tx2 to the Bitcoin network.
Result: Txid2 is:
Transaction Tx2 now has 6+ confirmations.
Next: Create transaction Tx3, which will transfer bitcoin from A1 and A1 to: A2, A3, and A4. Use the same services that were used during the creation and settlement of Tx2.
I'll use a fee of 20 satoshi / byte. Estimated delay: 2-8 blocks.
Generate two new random K values.
Look up the unspent outputs.
stjohn@judgement:work$ python get_unspent_outputs_in_address.py --address 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX
address: 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX
balance (satoshi): 974300
balance (bitcoin): 0.00974300
- unspent output 0:
-- txid: 674232a1575e618e4755a17c7b0738f33a81fcb63d5db25d41016a3be18db900
-- previous_output_index: 0
-- satoshi_value: 474300
-- bitcoin_value: 0.00474300
- unspent output 1:
-- txid: 674232a1575e618e4755a17c7b0738f33a81fcb63d5db25d41016a3be18db900
-- previous_output_index: 1
-- satoshi_value: 500000
-- bitcoin_value: 0.00500000
I've set the controls in the tool create_transaction_3.py as shown below.
Note: Not all the value is assigned to an address. The unassigned value will be assigned to the change address, which is set to be address A4.
# Note: Hex characters in input variable values must be lowercase. | |
random_values = [ | |
"f8a9a797547e67a8999227187f613b089338f79c6d7447bdaed76a706a52c92c", | |
"4e2924ecd2302f5b702e93f7cba39082fae7ff2fd1619c3368abf70a9869cdcd", | |
] | |
# random_value must be between 1 and 32 bytes. If random_value_type is "raw_bytes", then random_value must be between 1 and 32 ASCII characters. If random_value_type is "hex_bytes", then random_value must be an even number of hex characters and between 2 and 64 hex characters (1 byte is represented by 2 hex characters). | |
# Note: Every ECDSA signature (one for each input in a transaction) requires new random entropy. | |
# random_value_type options: ["raw_bytes", "hex_bytes"] | |
random_value_type = "hex_bytes" | |
input_data = [ | |
{ | |
"txid": "674232a1575e618e4755a17c7b0738f33a81fcb63d5db25d41016a3be18db900", | |
"previous_output_index": "0", | |
"private_key_hex": "1647a11df9b9785669d630fa90d6c8242a622a8fc077fb50fc4c52f8391c22ad", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.00474300", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"txid": "674232a1575e618e4755a17c7b0738f33a81fcb63d5db25d41016a3be18db900", | |
"previous_output_index": "1", | |
"private_key_hex": "1647a11df9b9785669d630fa90d6c8242a622a8fc077fb50fc4c52f8391c22ad", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.00500000", | |
}, | |
] | |
output_data = [ | |
{ | |
"address": "1DYKgP9cMG3wQhgowRJdrE4gRQvz6yMYEP", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.001", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"address": "1B9dT1kcvJqhmF9FpanKbY2vRvNiV6qR2L", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.002", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"address": "1LgQCG1DPBpk7Avdex5bSGqyKnxWv6spH2", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.003", | |
}, | |
] | |
# note: all inputs and outputs are assumed to be Pay-To-Public-Key-Hash (P2PKH). | |
change_address = "1LgQCG1DPBpk7Avdex5bSGqyKnxWv6spH2" | |
# note: the fee will be subtracted from the amount that is being sent to the change address. | |
fee = "" # satoshi | |
fee_rate = "20" # satoshi / byte | |
# fee_type options: ["fee", "fee_rate"] | |
fee_type = "fee_rate" | |
Create and sign the transaction.
stjohn@judgement:work$ python create_transaction_3.py
- Fee type: fee_rate
- Fee rate: 20.0 (satoshi / byte)
- Number of inputs (i.e. as-yet-unspent outputs): 2
- Number of outputs: 3
- Change address: 1LgQCG1DPBpk7Avdex5bSGqyKnxWv6spH2
- Amount to be sent to the change address: 0.003
- Input addresses, with total-value-to-be-sent:
-- 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX: 0.00974300
- Output addresses, with total-value-to-be-received:
-- 1LgQCG1DPBpk7Avdex5bSGqyKnxWv6spH2: 0.00300000
-- 1B9dT1kcvJqhmF9FpanKbY2vRvNiV6qR2L: 0.00200000
-- 1DYKgP9cMG3wQhgowRJdrE4gRQvz6yMYEP: 0.00100000
- Total value of all inputs: 0.00974300
- Total value of all outputs: 0.00600000
- Total value of all inputs is greater than total value of all outputs.
-- Some input value has not been assigned to an output.
-- Extra value: 0.00374300
-- This extra value will be sent to the change address.
-- Change address: 1LgQCG1DPBpk7Avdex5bSGqyKnxWv6spH2
-- New amount to be sent to change address: 0.00674300
- Estimated transaction size: 470 bytes
- Fee rate: 20.0 (satoshi / byte)
- Calculate 470 * 20.0 and round up to nearest satoshi.
- Final fee: 9400 (satoshi)
- Final fee rate (using estimated transaction size): 20.0000 (satoshi per byte)
- Fee subtracted from amount-to-be-sent-to-change-address.
- New amount to be sent to change address: 664900 (satoshi)
- Size of signed transaction: 471 bytes
- (signed_tx_size - estimated_tx_size): 1 bytes
- Fee rate in signed transaction: 19.958 (satoshi / byte)
Input 0:
Input: {40 bytes unsigned, 66 bytes signable, 179 bytes signed}
- [data] previous_output_hash: 00b98de13b6a01415db25d3db6fc813af338077b7ca155478e615e57a1324267 (32 bytes)
- [data] previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
- [signed form] script_length: 8a (1 bytes)
- [signed form] scriptSig: 47304402200bc088521aaba4aa839b34a6f04437a84d16966cdb24c81d72f8279858801bfc022038b0a19f7e65266b3fce2260d07d7d0707e4e2798e6fce7bbed6ddd25fa744f80141045141d905ca3f3c688bd1fd9b2d91ffeb7c12082dcfe2674ccf0239d75b0456acdf5a53b153907a14712d1c6743a264488e7705c42229fe4d2365bfcd592ab254 (138 bytes)
- [data] sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- [used for signing] private_key_hex: 1647a11df9b9785669d630fa90d6c8242a622a8fc077fb50fc4c52f8391c22ad (32 bytes)
- [source, goes into scriptSig] public_key_hex: 045141d905ca3f3c688bd1fd9b2d91ffeb7c12082dcfe2674ccf0239d75b0456acdf5a53b153907a14712d1c6743a264488e7705c42229fe4d2365bfcd592ab254 (65 bytes)
- [signable form] script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
- [signable form] scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX
- [more info] previous_output_index_int: 0
- [more info] txid: 674232a1575e618e4755a17c7b0738f33a81fcb63d5db25d41016a3be18db900
Input 1:
Input: {40 bytes unsigned, 66 bytes signable, 180 bytes signed}
- [data] previous_output_hash: 00b98de13b6a01415db25d3db6fc813af338077b7ca155478e615e57a1324267 (32 bytes)
- [data] previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- [signed form] script_length: 8b (1 bytes)
- [signed form] scriptSig: 483045022100f879d59fb5e97db6fad01cbc585173801a89e2bc295e67b63e30930e84666137022055bfa081ff5db08bcc2f6dde3df486234f3864767d8af8d5b8c23718dc88750d0141045141d905ca3f3c688bd1fd9b2d91ffeb7c12082dcfe2674ccf0239d75b0456acdf5a53b153907a14712d1c6743a264488e7705c42229fe4d2365bfcd592ab254 (139 bytes)
- [data] sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- [used for signing] private_key_hex: 1647a11df9b9785669d630fa90d6c8242a622a8fc077fb50fc4c52f8391c22ad (32 bytes)
- [source, goes into scriptSig] public_key_hex: 045141d905ca3f3c688bd1fd9b2d91ffeb7c12082dcfe2674ccf0239d75b0456acdf5a53b153907a14712d1c6743a264488e7705c42229fe4d2365bfcd592ab254 (65 bytes)
- [signable form] script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
- [signable form] scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX
- [more info] previous_output_index_int: 1
- [more info] txid: 674232a1575e618e4755a17c7b0738f33a81fcb63d5db25d41016a3be18db900
Output 0:
Output: {34 bytes}
- [data] value: a086010000000000 (8 bytes)
- [data] script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
- [data] scriptPubKey: 76a914898dff254ca0f389679ce68b33ae0c46b992d9f088ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1DYKgP9cMG3wQhgowRJdrE4gRQvz6yMYEP
- [more info] bitcoin_amount: 0.001
- [more info] satoshi_amount: 100000
- [more info] public_key_hash_hex: 898dff254ca0f389679ce68b33ae0c46b992d9f0
Output 1:
Output: {34 bytes}
- [data] value: 400d030000000000 (8 bytes)
- [data] script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
- [data] scriptPubKey: 76a9146f5302de794fa5b6331e7fe95e895ac8bc328ea888ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1B9dT1kcvJqhmF9FpanKbY2vRvNiV6qR2L
- [more info] bitcoin_amount: 0.002
- [more info] satoshi_amount: 200000
- [more info] public_key_hash_hex: 6f5302de794fa5b6331e7fe95e895ac8bc328ea8
Output 2:
Output: {34 bytes}
- [data] value: 44250a0000000000 (8 bytes)
- [data] script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
- [data] scriptPubKey: 76a914d7ddf94fcd3294570e091b84584b6175413b003888ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1LgQCG1DPBpk7Avdex5bSGqyKnxWv6spH2
- [more info] bitcoin_amount: 0.00664900
- [more info] satoshi_amount: 664900
- [more info] public_key_hash_hex: d7ddf94fcd3294570e091b84584b6175413b0038
Transaction (unsigned form): {192 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 02 (1 bytes)
- Input 0: {40 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 00b98de13b6a01415db25d3db6fc813af338077b7ca155478e615e57a1324267 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: [none] (0 bytes)
-- scriptSig: [none] (0 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 1: {40 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 00b98de13b6a01415db25d3db6fc813af338077b7ca155478e615e57a1324267 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: [none] (0 bytes)
-- scriptSig: [none] (0 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 03 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: a086010000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914898dff254ca0f389679ce68b33ae0c46b992d9f088ac (25 bytes)
- Output 1: {34 bytes}
-- value: 400d030000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146f5302de794fa5b6331e7fe95e895ac8bc328ea888ac (25 bytes)
- Output 2: {34 bytes}
-- value: 44250a0000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914d7ddf94fcd3294570e091b84584b6175413b003888ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
Transaction (signable form 0): {223 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 02 (1 bytes)
- Input 0 [to be used to sign this signable form]: {66 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 00b98de13b6a01415db25d3db6fc813af338077b7ca155478e615e57a1324267 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 1: {41 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 00b98de13b6a01415db25d3db6fc813af338077b7ca155478e615e57a1324267 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 00 (1 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 03 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: a086010000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914898dff254ca0f389679ce68b33ae0c46b992d9f088ac (25 bytes)
- Output 1: {34 bytes}
-- value: 400d030000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146f5302de794fa5b6331e7fe95e895ac8bc328ea888ac (25 bytes)
- Output 2: {34 bytes}
-- value: 44250a0000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914d7ddf94fcd3294570e091b84584b6175413b003888ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
- hash_type_4_byte: 01000000 (4 bytes)
Transaction (signable form 1): {223 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 02 (1 bytes)
- Input 0: {41 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 00b98de13b6a01415db25d3db6fc813af338077b7ca155478e615e57a1324267 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 00 (1 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 1 [to be used to sign this signable form]: {66 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 00b98de13b6a01415db25d3db6fc813af338077b7ca155478e615e57a1324267 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 03 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: a086010000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914898dff254ca0f389679ce68b33ae0c46b992d9f088ac (25 bytes)
- Output 1: {34 bytes}
-- value: 400d030000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146f5302de794fa5b6331e7fe95e895ac8bc328ea888ac (25 bytes)
- Output 2: {34 bytes}
-- value: 44250a0000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914d7ddf94fcd3294570e091b84584b6175413b003888ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
- hash_type_4_byte: 01000000 (4 bytes)
Transaction (signed form): {471 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 02 (1 bytes)
- Input 0: {179 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 00b98de13b6a01415db25d3db6fc813af338077b7ca155478e615e57a1324267 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 8a (1 bytes)
-- scriptSig: 47304402200bc088521aaba4aa839b34a6f04437a84d16966cdb24c81d72f8279858801bfc022038b0a19f7e65266b3fce2260d07d7d0707e4e2798e6fce7bbed6ddd25fa744f80141045141d905ca3f3c688bd1fd9b2d91ffeb7c12082dcfe2674ccf0239d75b0456acdf5a53b153907a14712d1c6743a264488e7705c42229fe4d2365bfcd592ab254 (138 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 1: {180 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 00b98de13b6a01415db25d3db6fc813af338077b7ca155478e615e57a1324267 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 8b (1 bytes)
-- scriptSig: 483045022100f879d59fb5e97db6fad01cbc585173801a89e2bc295e67b63e30930e84666137022055bfa081ff5db08bcc2f6dde3df486234f3864767d8af8d5b8c23718dc88750d0141045141d905ca3f3c688bd1fd9b2d91ffeb7c12082dcfe2674ccf0239d75b0456acdf5a53b153907a14712d1c6743a264488e7705c42229fe4d2365bfcd592ab254 (139 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 03 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: a086010000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914898dff254ca0f389679ce68b33ae0c46b992d9f088ac (25 bytes)
- Output 1: {34 bytes}
-- value: 400d030000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146f5302de794fa5b6331e7fe95e895ac8bc328ea888ac (25 bytes)
- Output 2: {34 bytes}
-- value: 44250a0000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914d7ddf94fcd3294570e091b84584b6175413b003888ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
Signed transaction:
Signed transaction Tx3:
Decode and broadcast Tx3.
Result: Txid3 is:
Transaction Tx3 now has 6+ confirmations.
Next: Create transaction Tx4, which will transfer bitcoin from A2, A3, and A4 to addresses A5, A6, and A7.
I'll use a fee of 20 satoshi / byte. Estimated delay: 3-10 blocks.
Generate three new random K values.
Look up the unspent outputs.
stjohn@judgement:work$ python get_unspent_outputs_in_address.py --address 1DYKgP9cMG3wQhgowRJdrE4gRQvz6yMYEP
address: 1DYKgP9cMG3wQhgowRJdrE4gRQvz6yMYEP
balance (satoshi): 100000
balance (bitcoin): 0.00100000
- unspent output 0:
-- txid: 45a69eab1c75342826687d2bea49b49133382622b4cd50783b0e81e49b95d158
-- previous_output_index: 0
-- satoshi_value: 100000
-- bitcoin_value: 0.00100000
stjohn@judgement:work$ python get_unspent_outputs_in_address.py --address 1B9dT1kcvJqhmF9FpanKbY2vRvNiV6qR2L
address: 1B9dT1kcvJqhmF9FpanKbY2vRvNiV6qR2L
balance (satoshi): 200000
balance (bitcoin): 0.00200000
- unspent output 0:
-- txid: 45a69eab1c75342826687d2bea49b49133382622b4cd50783b0e81e49b95d158
-- previous_output_index: 1
-- satoshi_value: 200000
-- bitcoin_value: 0.00200000
stjohn@judgement:work$ python get_unspent_outputs_in_address.py --address 1LgQCG1DPBpk7Avdex5bSGqyKnxWv6spH2
address: 1LgQCG1DPBpk7Avdex5bSGqyKnxWv6spH2
balance (satoshi): 664900
balance (bitcoin): 0.00664900
- unspent output 0:
-- txid: 45a69eab1c75342826687d2bea49b49133382622b4cd50783b0e81e49b95d158
-- previous_output_index: 2
-- satoshi_value: 664900
-- bitcoin_value: 0.00664900
I've set the controls in the tool create_transaction_3.py as shown below.
# Note: Hex characters in input variable values must be lowercase. | |
random_values = [ | |
"fbdfc5a68c8bcb354602ab06d8af7d78a016dc897726cc7499bb77e9be27f9d3", | |
"8c5a5c0061ab79d0bb8b918dc521802a6452e861befb307e9a64bc2ed4f3f50e", | |
"0b0f60a63f10ed97c95ab56eff70566edb593bbe366d70d50a74555d1030f4c6", | |
] | |
# random_value must be between 1 and 32 bytes. If random_value_type is "raw_bytes", then random_value must be between 1 and 32 ASCII characters. If random_value_type is "hex_bytes", then random_value must be an even number of hex characters and between 2 and 64 hex characters (1 byte is represented by 2 hex characters). | |
# Note: Every ECDSA signature (one for each input in a transaction) requires new random entropy. | |
# random_value_type options: ["raw_bytes", "hex_bytes"] | |
random_value_type = "hex_bytes" | |
input_data = [ | |
{ | |
"txid": "45a69eab1c75342826687d2bea49b49133382622b4cd50783b0e81e49b95d158", | |
"previous_output_index": "0", | |
"private_key_hex": "ec30b469f5e9b16d565168fbf4c9a60050feab0349ac03ff7611a3a76f2bcd4a", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.00100000", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"txid": "45a69eab1c75342826687d2bea49b49133382622b4cd50783b0e81e49b95d158", | |
"previous_output_index": "1", | |
"private_key_hex": "0f1691d20a6ee40f608b46404b9b42d44ee3599f51ebf48ea7439653044fa3f7", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.00200000", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"txid": "45a69eab1c75342826687d2bea49b49133382622b4cd50783b0e81e49b95d158", | |
"previous_output_index": "2", | |
"private_key_hex": "9c75fc45b299cf2796809481228d8601dd895f55ffb15f64b583e05bfda3a368", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.00664900", | |
}, | |
] | |
output_data = [ | |
{ | |
"address": "1Fivx1V444aqjY85SxvzsEG5NjYdM6JWib", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.003", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"address": "1K1zwZscQNA1vsnNzKPdiDpkCmWo4EtWLD", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.003", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"address": "1ELjTCk6ESp8gydm2KgeyRgBamgrwppTTV", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.003", | |
}, | |
] | |
# note: all inputs and outputs are assumed to be Pay-To-Public-Key-Hash (P2PKH). | |
change_address = "1ELjTCk6ESp8gydm2KgeyRgBamgrwppTTV" | |
# note: the fee will be subtracted from the amount that is being sent to the change address. | |
fee = "" # satoshi | |
fee_rate = "20" # satoshi / byte | |
# fee_type options: ["fee", "fee_rate"] | |
fee_type = "fee_rate" | |
Create and sign the transaction.
stjohn@judgement:work$ python create_transaction_3.py
- Fee type: fee_rate
- Fee rate: 20.0 (satoshi / byte)
- Number of inputs (i.e. as-yet-unspent outputs): 3
- Number of outputs: 3
- Change address: 1ELjTCk6ESp8gydm2KgeyRgBamgrwppTTV
- Amount to be sent to the change address: 0.003
- Input addresses, with total-value-to-be-sent:
-- 1LgQCG1DPBpk7Avdex5bSGqyKnxWv6spH2: 0.00664900
-- 1B9dT1kcvJqhmF9FpanKbY2vRvNiV6qR2L: 0.00200000
-- 1DYKgP9cMG3wQhgowRJdrE4gRQvz6yMYEP: 0.00100000
- Output addresses, with total-value-to-be-received:
-- 1K1zwZscQNA1vsnNzKPdiDpkCmWo4EtWLD: 0.00300000
-- 1Fivx1V444aqjY85SxvzsEG5NjYdM6JWib: 0.00300000
-- 1ELjTCk6ESp8gydm2KgeyRgBamgrwppTTV: 0.00300000
- Total value of all inputs: 0.00964900
- Total value of all outputs: 0.00900000
- Total value of all inputs is greater than total value of all outputs.
-- Some input value has not been assigned to an output.
-- Extra value: 0.00064900
-- This extra value will be sent to the change address.
-- Change address: 1ELjTCk6ESp8gydm2KgeyRgBamgrwppTTV
-- New amount to be sent to change address: 0.00364900
- Estimated transaction size: 649 bytes
- Fee rate: 20.0 (satoshi / byte)
- Calculate 649 * 20.0 and round up to nearest satoshi.
- Final fee: 12980 (satoshi)
- Final fee rate (using estimated transaction size): 20.0000 (satoshi per byte)
- Fee subtracted from amount-to-be-sent-to-change-address.
- New amount to be sent to change address: 351920 (satoshi)
- Size of signed transaction: 651 bytes
- (signed_tx_size - estimated_tx_size): 2 bytes
- Fee rate in signed transaction: 19.939 (satoshi / byte)
Input 0:
Input: {40 bytes unsigned, 66 bytes signable, 180 bytes signed}
- [data] previous_output_hash: 58d1959be4810e3b7850cdb42226383391b449ea2b7d68262834751cab9ea645 (32 bytes)
- [data] previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
- [signed form] script_length: 8b (1 bytes)
- [signed form] scriptSig: 48304502210090de75947fea4773c8e5ec2b5f61d6d3b43a8eed88d66e6b36c53dca06c0b6100220483d8fb1b2a5721bdbd35db36b059615cc374856551f56cbd96ac99043f873e7014104c9e9e0bb9a923e815fdef402b23d92fc751d498832fb5a0cbf349e4deba7d4f55d19020b8a7b84c6c8ea03c1635f6dc15be4163a9a914f017d79541a79b2fa8e (139 bytes)
- [data] sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- [used for signing] private_key_hex: ec30b469f5e9b16d565168fbf4c9a60050feab0349ac03ff7611a3a76f2bcd4a (32 bytes)
- [source, goes into scriptSig] public_key_hex: 04c9e9e0bb9a923e815fdef402b23d92fc751d498832fb5a0cbf349e4deba7d4f55d19020b8a7b84c6c8ea03c1635f6dc15be4163a9a914f017d79541a79b2fa8e (65 bytes)
- [signable form] script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
- [signable form] scriptPubKey: 76a914898dff254ca0f389679ce68b33ae0c46b992d9f088ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1DYKgP9cMG3wQhgowRJdrE4gRQvz6yMYEP
- [more info] previous_output_index_int: 0
- [more info] txid: 45a69eab1c75342826687d2bea49b49133382622b4cd50783b0e81e49b95d158
Input 1:
Input: {40 bytes unsigned, 66 bytes signable, 180 bytes signed}
- [data] previous_output_hash: 58d1959be4810e3b7850cdb42226383391b449ea2b7d68262834751cab9ea645 (32 bytes)
- [data] previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- [signed form] script_length: 8b (1 bytes)
- [signed form] scriptSig: 483045022100a7954bb767cf8d86d4b5a6e8462f8aba8b639020ee492c77ad2667051b30793702203c0d7aeb54204bcf93c23b0d164ec642f95264bb810cabc518f1386b8015636f014104d05610a527029d91535c4c9e9861d9783ca5e7967b3cf61600a9b38cedfed0f2a8d2fe7f2e644652078a9a3da9a372323bb3b7530e0b38ec48b34b2924ffdc0e (139 bytes)
- [data] sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- [used for signing] private_key_hex: 0f1691d20a6ee40f608b46404b9b42d44ee3599f51ebf48ea7439653044fa3f7 (32 bytes)
- [source, goes into scriptSig] public_key_hex: 04d05610a527029d91535c4c9e9861d9783ca5e7967b3cf61600a9b38cedfed0f2a8d2fe7f2e644652078a9a3da9a372323bb3b7530e0b38ec48b34b2924ffdc0e (65 bytes)
- [signable form] script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
- [signable form] scriptPubKey: 76a9146f5302de794fa5b6331e7fe95e895ac8bc328ea888ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1B9dT1kcvJqhmF9FpanKbY2vRvNiV6qR2L
- [more info] previous_output_index_int: 1
- [more info] txid: 45a69eab1c75342826687d2bea49b49133382622b4cd50783b0e81e49b95d158
Input 2:
Input: {40 bytes unsigned, 66 bytes signable, 179 bytes signed}
- [data] previous_output_hash: 58d1959be4810e3b7850cdb42226383391b449ea2b7d68262834751cab9ea645 (32 bytes)
- [data] previous_output_index: 02000000 (4 bytes)
- [signed form] script_length: 8a (1 bytes)
- [signed form] scriptSig: 473044022040b1cc33f8d2e304dc8b345c5c65e29f871278ff694e201421a72ba3b130b54802207249a48acd592ae095efa911cc770e5ca8e4c69b81cc0c2fbeedd5325346b155014104e89d1048d763532481e7dc3ab86ace305c4114e9ce3dfc30f04bc7a4df97adaee3578197f5e1413f9a99dfc99e425344f7bee317762a680b61292e687c12f399 (138 bytes)
- [data] sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- [used for signing] private_key_hex: 9c75fc45b299cf2796809481228d8601dd895f55ffb15f64b583e05bfda3a368 (32 bytes)
- [source, goes into scriptSig] public_key_hex: 04e89d1048d763532481e7dc3ab86ace305c4114e9ce3dfc30f04bc7a4df97adaee3578197f5e1413f9a99dfc99e425344f7bee317762a680b61292e687c12f399 (65 bytes)
- [signable form] script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
- [signable form] scriptPubKey: 76a914d7ddf94fcd3294570e091b84584b6175413b003888ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1LgQCG1DPBpk7Avdex5bSGqyKnxWv6spH2
- [more info] previous_output_index_int: 2
- [more info] txid: 45a69eab1c75342826687d2bea49b49133382622b4cd50783b0e81e49b95d158
Output 0:
Output: {34 bytes}
- [data] value: e093040000000000 (8 bytes)
- [data] script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
- [data] scriptPubKey: 76a914a17fd96a5a6d76be05542f1a93a263bf02e3b9bc88ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1Fivx1V444aqjY85SxvzsEG5NjYdM6JWib
- [more info] bitcoin_amount: 0.003
- [more info] satoshi_amount: 300000
- [more info] public_key_hash_hex: a17fd96a5a6d76be05542f1a93a263bf02e3b9bc
Output 1:
Output: {34 bytes}
- [data] value: e093040000000000 (8 bytes)
- [data] script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
- [data] scriptPubKey: 76a914c5a2a172c3d16db0e2e064d182b4ee9fec533bf988ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1K1zwZscQNA1vsnNzKPdiDpkCmWo4EtWLD
- [more info] bitcoin_amount: 0.003
- [more info] satoshi_amount: 300000
- [more info] public_key_hash_hex: c5a2a172c3d16db0e2e064d182b4ee9fec533bf9
Output 2:
Output: {34 bytes}
- [data] value: b05e050000000000 (8 bytes)
- [data] script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
- [data] scriptPubKey: 76a9149254f9b4af834fbea8773a6138d2d53e471fcfe188ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1ELjTCk6ESp8gydm2KgeyRgBamgrwppTTV
- [more info] bitcoin_amount: 0.00351920
- [more info] satoshi_amount: 351920
- [more info] public_key_hash_hex: 9254f9b4af834fbea8773a6138d2d53e471fcfe1
Transaction (unsigned form): {232 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 03 (1 bytes)
- Input 0: {40 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 58d1959be4810e3b7850cdb42226383391b449ea2b7d68262834751cab9ea645 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: [none] (0 bytes)
-- scriptSig: [none] (0 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 1: {40 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 58d1959be4810e3b7850cdb42226383391b449ea2b7d68262834751cab9ea645 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: [none] (0 bytes)
-- scriptSig: [none] (0 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 2: {40 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 58d1959be4810e3b7850cdb42226383391b449ea2b7d68262834751cab9ea645 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 02000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: [none] (0 bytes)
-- scriptSig: [none] (0 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 03 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: e093040000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914a17fd96a5a6d76be05542f1a93a263bf02e3b9bc88ac (25 bytes)
- Output 1: {34 bytes}
-- value: e093040000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914c5a2a172c3d16db0e2e064d182b4ee9fec533bf988ac (25 bytes)
- Output 2: {34 bytes}
-- value: b05e050000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9149254f9b4af834fbea8773a6138d2d53e471fcfe188ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
Transaction (signable form 0): {264 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 03 (1 bytes)
- Input 0 [to be used to sign this signable form]: {66 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 58d1959be4810e3b7850cdb42226383391b449ea2b7d68262834751cab9ea645 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914898dff254ca0f389679ce68b33ae0c46b992d9f088ac (25 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 1: {41 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 58d1959be4810e3b7850cdb42226383391b449ea2b7d68262834751cab9ea645 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 00 (1 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 2: {41 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 58d1959be4810e3b7850cdb42226383391b449ea2b7d68262834751cab9ea645 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 02000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 00 (1 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 03 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: e093040000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914a17fd96a5a6d76be05542f1a93a263bf02e3b9bc88ac (25 bytes)
- Output 1: {34 bytes}
-- value: e093040000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914c5a2a172c3d16db0e2e064d182b4ee9fec533bf988ac (25 bytes)
- Output 2: {34 bytes}
-- value: b05e050000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9149254f9b4af834fbea8773a6138d2d53e471fcfe188ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
- hash_type_4_byte: 01000000 (4 bytes)
Transaction (signable form 1): {264 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 03 (1 bytes)
- Input 0: {41 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 58d1959be4810e3b7850cdb42226383391b449ea2b7d68262834751cab9ea645 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 00 (1 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 1 [to be used to sign this signable form]: {66 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 58d1959be4810e3b7850cdb42226383391b449ea2b7d68262834751cab9ea645 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146f5302de794fa5b6331e7fe95e895ac8bc328ea888ac (25 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 2: {41 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 58d1959be4810e3b7850cdb42226383391b449ea2b7d68262834751cab9ea645 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 02000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 00 (1 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 03 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: e093040000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914a17fd96a5a6d76be05542f1a93a263bf02e3b9bc88ac (25 bytes)
- Output 1: {34 bytes}
-- value: e093040000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914c5a2a172c3d16db0e2e064d182b4ee9fec533bf988ac (25 bytes)
- Output 2: {34 bytes}
-- value: b05e050000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9149254f9b4af834fbea8773a6138d2d53e471fcfe188ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
- hash_type_4_byte: 01000000 (4 bytes)
Transaction (signable form 2): {264 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 03 (1 bytes)
- Input 0: {41 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 58d1959be4810e3b7850cdb42226383391b449ea2b7d68262834751cab9ea645 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 00 (1 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 1: {41 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 58d1959be4810e3b7850cdb42226383391b449ea2b7d68262834751cab9ea645 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 00 (1 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 2 [to be used to sign this signable form]: {66 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 58d1959be4810e3b7850cdb42226383391b449ea2b7d68262834751cab9ea645 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 02000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914d7ddf94fcd3294570e091b84584b6175413b003888ac (25 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 03 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: e093040000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914a17fd96a5a6d76be05542f1a93a263bf02e3b9bc88ac (25 bytes)
- Output 1: {34 bytes}
-- value: e093040000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914c5a2a172c3d16db0e2e064d182b4ee9fec533bf988ac (25 bytes)
- Output 2: {34 bytes}
-- value: b05e050000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9149254f9b4af834fbea8773a6138d2d53e471fcfe188ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
- hash_type_4_byte: 01000000 (4 bytes)
Transaction (signed form): {651 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 03 (1 bytes)
- Input 0: {180 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 58d1959be4810e3b7850cdb42226383391b449ea2b7d68262834751cab9ea645 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 8b (1 bytes)
-- scriptSig: 48304502210090de75947fea4773c8e5ec2b5f61d6d3b43a8eed88d66e6b36c53dca06c0b6100220483d8fb1b2a5721bdbd35db36b059615cc374856551f56cbd96ac99043f873e7014104c9e9e0bb9a923e815fdef402b23d92fc751d498832fb5a0cbf349e4deba7d4f55d19020b8a7b84c6c8ea03c1635f6dc15be4163a9a914f017d79541a79b2fa8e (139 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 1: {180 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 58d1959be4810e3b7850cdb42226383391b449ea2b7d68262834751cab9ea645 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 8b (1 bytes)
-- scriptSig: 483045022100a7954bb767cf8d86d4b5a6e8462f8aba8b639020ee492c77ad2667051b30793702203c0d7aeb54204bcf93c23b0d164ec642f95264bb810cabc518f1386b8015636f014104d05610a527029d91535c4c9e9861d9783ca5e7967b3cf61600a9b38cedfed0f2a8d2fe7f2e644652078a9a3da9a372323bb3b7530e0b38ec48b34b2924ffdc0e (139 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 2: {179 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 58d1959be4810e3b7850cdb42226383391b449ea2b7d68262834751cab9ea645 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 02000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 8a (1 bytes)
-- scriptSig: 473044022040b1cc33f8d2e304dc8b345c5c65e29f871278ff694e201421a72ba3b130b54802207249a48acd592ae095efa911cc770e5ca8e4c69b81cc0c2fbeedd5325346b155014104e89d1048d763532481e7dc3ab86ace305c4114e9ce3dfc30f04bc7a4df97adaee3578197f5e1413f9a99dfc99e425344f7bee317762a680b61292e687c12f399 (138 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 03 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: e093040000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914a17fd96a5a6d76be05542f1a93a263bf02e3b9bc88ac (25 bytes)
- Output 1: {34 bytes}
-- value: e093040000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914c5a2a172c3d16db0e2e064d182b4ee9fec533bf988ac (25 bytes)
- Output 2: {34 bytes}
-- value: b05e050000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9149254f9b4af834fbea8773a6138d2d53e471fcfe188ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
Signed transaction:
Signed transaction Tx4:
Decode and broadcast Tx4.
Result: Txid4 is:
Transaction Tx4 now has 6+ confirmations.
Next: Create transaction Tx5, which will transfer bitcoin from A5, A6, and A7 to addresses A1 and A2.
I'll use a fee of 20 satoshi / byte. Estimated delay: 3-8 blocks.
Generate three new random K values.
Look up the unspent outputs.
stjohn@judgement:work$ python get_unspent_outputs_in_address.py --address 1Fivx1V444aqjY85SxvzsEG5NjYdM6JWib
address: 1Fivx1V444aqjY85SxvzsEG5NjYdM6JWib
balance (satoshi): 300000
balance (bitcoin): 0.00300000
- unspent output 0:
-- txid: 0a4b990b11185bfa8dfa2f29fe51a619abe89f8a3e527416a0cb40f5cdfc96ff
-- previous_output_index: 0
-- satoshi_value: 300000
-- bitcoin_value: 0.00300000
stjohn@judgement:work$ python get_unspent_outputs_in_address.py --address 1K1zwZscQNA1vsnNzKPdiDpkCmWo4EtWLD
address: 1K1zwZscQNA1vsnNzKPdiDpkCmWo4EtWLD
balance (satoshi): 300000
balance (bitcoin): 0.00300000
- unspent output 0:
-- txid: 0a4b990b11185bfa8dfa2f29fe51a619abe89f8a3e527416a0cb40f5cdfc96ff
-- previous_output_index: 1
-- satoshi_value: 300000
-- bitcoin_value: 0.00300000
stjohn@judgement:work$ python get_unspent_outputs_in_address.py --address 1ELjTCk6ESp8gydm2KgeyRgBamgrwppTTV
address: 1ELjTCk6ESp8gydm2KgeyRgBamgrwppTTV
balance (satoshi): 351920
balance (bitcoin): 0.00351920
- unspent output 0:
-- txid: 0a4b990b11185bfa8dfa2f29fe51a619abe89f8a3e527416a0cb40f5cdfc96ff
-- previous_output_index: 2
-- satoshi_value: 351920
-- bitcoin_value: 0.00351920
I've set the controls in the tool create_transaction_3.py as shown below.
# Note: Hex characters in input variable values must be lowercase. | |
random_values = [ | |
"63f7432e2224571acfdf233c2fb2523fb3e18108af9b2163b4ddbba7f1126af1", | |
"ff458e6414471b906e864cd41b979b653a999d454fb89d2f737cc87cac18c9c0", | |
"9c671cdf96db307eca3d9fd6dbe3b4dad38108058cff5efe99bbc3f538372db9", | |
] | |
# random_value must be between 1 and 32 bytes. If random_value_type is "raw_bytes", then random_value must be between 1 and 32 ASCII characters. If random_value_type is "hex_bytes", then random_value must be an even number of hex characters and between 2 and 64 hex characters (1 byte is represented by 2 hex characters). | |
# Note: Every ECDSA signature (one for each input in a transaction) requires new random entropy. | |
# random_value_type options: ["raw_bytes", "hex_bytes"] | |
random_value_type = "hex_bytes" | |
input_data = [ | |
{ | |
"txid": "0a4b990b11185bfa8dfa2f29fe51a619abe89f8a3e527416a0cb40f5cdfc96ff", | |
"previous_output_index": "0", | |
"private_key_hex": "a99c96b4f983d3d0cee414480578f219995a7d8c7dea40a99d83402421a436f3", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.00300000", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"txid": "0a4b990b11185bfa8dfa2f29fe51a619abe89f8a3e527416a0cb40f5cdfc96ff", | |
"previous_output_index": "1", | |
"private_key_hex": "2f6356a88c432f0149c877553eed29c1aba597dbf59515724f0e001f1adf1556", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.00300000", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"txid": "0a4b990b11185bfa8dfa2f29fe51a619abe89f8a3e527416a0cb40f5cdfc96ff", | |
"previous_output_index": "2", | |
"private_key_hex": "153fa0dd919216f4a557d295fb1a8bc3c321ad1492daee35c9eb82227a2d5252", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.00351920", | |
}, | |
] | |
output_data = [ | |
{ | |
"address": "1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.003", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"address": "1DYKgP9cMG3wQhgowRJdrE4gRQvz6yMYEP", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.006", | |
}, | |
] | |
# note: all inputs and outputs are assumed to be Pay-To-Public-Key-Hash (P2PKH). | |
change_address = "1DYKgP9cMG3wQhgowRJdrE4gRQvz6yMYEP" | |
# note: the fee will be subtracted from the amount that is being sent to the change address. | |
fee = "" # satoshi | |
fee_rate = "20" # satoshi / byte | |
# fee_type options: ["fee", "fee_rate"] | |
fee_type = "fee_rate" | |
Create and sign the transaction.
stjohn@judgement:work$ python create_transaction_3.py
- Fee type: fee_rate
- Fee rate: 20.0 (satoshi / byte)
- Number of inputs (i.e. as-yet-unspent outputs): 3
- Number of outputs: 2
- Change address: 1DYKgP9cMG3wQhgowRJdrE4gRQvz6yMYEP
- Amount to be sent to the change address: 0.006
- Input addresses, with total-value-to-be-sent:
-- 1K1zwZscQNA1vsnNzKPdiDpkCmWo4EtWLD: 0.00300000
-- 1Fivx1V444aqjY85SxvzsEG5NjYdM6JWib: 0.00300000
-- 1ELjTCk6ESp8gydm2KgeyRgBamgrwppTTV: 0.00351920
- Output addresses, with total-value-to-be-received:
-- 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX: 0.00300000
-- 1DYKgP9cMG3wQhgowRJdrE4gRQvz6yMYEP: 0.00600000
- Total value of all inputs: 0.00951920
- Total value of all outputs: 0.00900000
- Total value of all inputs is greater than total value of all outputs.
-- Some input value has not been assigned to an output.
-- Extra value: 0.00051920
-- This extra value will be sent to the change address.
-- Change address: 1DYKgP9cMG3wQhgowRJdrE4gRQvz6yMYEP
-- New amount to be sent to change address: 0.00651920
- Estimated transaction size: 615 bytes
- Fee rate: 20.0 (satoshi / byte)
- Calculate 615 * 20.0 and round up to nearest satoshi.
- Final fee: 12300 (satoshi)
- Final fee rate (using estimated transaction size): 20.0000 (satoshi per byte)
- Fee subtracted from amount-to-be-sent-to-change-address.
- New amount to be sent to change address: 639620 (satoshi)
- Size of signed transaction: 616 bytes
- (signed_tx_size - estimated_tx_size): 1 bytes
- Fee rate in signed transaction: 19.968 (satoshi / byte)
Input 0:
Input: {40 bytes unsigned, 66 bytes signable, 180 bytes signed}
- [data] previous_output_hash: ff96fccdf540cba01674523e8a9fe8ab19a651fe292ffa8dfa5b18110b994b0a (32 bytes)
- [data] previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
- [signed form] script_length: 8b (1 bytes)
- [signed form] scriptSig: 48304502210091c97b0f3195bad52438436f9a41745364f435171f89700a8744b1d120c63ddf022054ca2c65a57076d4563df23e31f7527290c8518c4671a2cd1e81082ad58c2e660141043b0ce517d5e3206e77f6c7f0c6a2ca264c09202cc34a7036adc391434dfad435eb0fdddb7637dae95c24131adfe2e95faa49365bf7eada7e2e25b09a21f5379e (139 bytes)
- [data] sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- [used for signing] private_key_hex: a99c96b4f983d3d0cee414480578f219995a7d8c7dea40a99d83402421a436f3 (32 bytes)
- [source, goes into scriptSig] public_key_hex: 043b0ce517d5e3206e77f6c7f0c6a2ca264c09202cc34a7036adc391434dfad435eb0fdddb7637dae95c24131adfe2e95faa49365bf7eada7e2e25b09a21f5379e (65 bytes)
- [signable form] script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
- [signable form] scriptPubKey: 76a914a17fd96a5a6d76be05542f1a93a263bf02e3b9bc88ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1Fivx1V444aqjY85SxvzsEG5NjYdM6JWib
- [more info] previous_output_index_int: 0
- [more info] txid: 0a4b990b11185bfa8dfa2f29fe51a619abe89f8a3e527416a0cb40f5cdfc96ff
Input 1:
Input: {40 bytes unsigned, 66 bytes signable, 179 bytes signed}
- [data] previous_output_hash: ff96fccdf540cba01674523e8a9fe8ab19a651fe292ffa8dfa5b18110b994b0a (32 bytes)
- [data] previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- [signed form] script_length: 8a (1 bytes)
- [signed form] scriptSig: 47304402206231487d016d507ec1373caad8404240737b17b08628ea7396bb230c3b7daf020220637e036bc290834962e284fc81e6176baa890c057f713c7884eef264f1dcfe82014104da0f0a2fb16d1c739e05e9d14a6dbc411bd6c31f3cec812e12d7402f6352cc3dee78882fc83a3bccf087c1224798eaa1fefa19c2150db09e860e290414885666 (138 bytes)
- [data] sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- [used for signing] private_key_hex: 2f6356a88c432f0149c877553eed29c1aba597dbf59515724f0e001f1adf1556 (32 bytes)
- [source, goes into scriptSig] public_key_hex: 04da0f0a2fb16d1c739e05e9d14a6dbc411bd6c31f3cec812e12d7402f6352cc3dee78882fc83a3bccf087c1224798eaa1fefa19c2150db09e860e290414885666 (65 bytes)
- [signable form] script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
- [signable form] scriptPubKey: 76a914c5a2a172c3d16db0e2e064d182b4ee9fec533bf988ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1K1zwZscQNA1vsnNzKPdiDpkCmWo4EtWLD
- [more info] previous_output_index_int: 1
- [more info] txid: 0a4b990b11185bfa8dfa2f29fe51a619abe89f8a3e527416a0cb40f5cdfc96ff
Input 2:
Input: {40 bytes unsigned, 66 bytes signable, 179 bytes signed}
- [data] previous_output_hash: ff96fccdf540cba01674523e8a9fe8ab19a651fe292ffa8dfa5b18110b994b0a (32 bytes)
- [data] previous_output_index: 02000000 (4 bytes)
- [signed form] script_length: 8a (1 bytes)
- [signed form] scriptSig: 47304402203311351244e4c4ecaa8cf006f664d7c1beacf6e5b249b9e37b4fe0a0255db97d02205324c9aeb394dd0323c227f523aad0b37c2d9f8110a8c29a45fd5566102628c50141046ca6bcf1a709667ce9c219df51d8cbb4f6c764a4deeac000613d68f62628739c2ac082421ea0bdf28379c58b3be25d4af6c1cd2216fb4061283d20a9de7f9368 (138 bytes)
- [data] sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- [used for signing] private_key_hex: 153fa0dd919216f4a557d295fb1a8bc3c321ad1492daee35c9eb82227a2d5252 (32 bytes)
- [source, goes into scriptSig] public_key_hex: 046ca6bcf1a709667ce9c219df51d8cbb4f6c764a4deeac000613d68f62628739c2ac082421ea0bdf28379c58b3be25d4af6c1cd2216fb4061283d20a9de7f9368 (65 bytes)
- [signable form] script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
- [signable form] scriptPubKey: 76a9149254f9b4af834fbea8773a6138d2d53e471fcfe188ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1ELjTCk6ESp8gydm2KgeyRgBamgrwppTTV
- [more info] previous_output_index_int: 2
- [more info] txid: 0a4b990b11185bfa8dfa2f29fe51a619abe89f8a3e527416a0cb40f5cdfc96ff
Output 0:
Output: {34 bytes}
- [data] value: e093040000000000 (8 bytes)
- [data] script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
- [data] scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX
- [more info] bitcoin_amount: 0.003
- [more info] satoshi_amount: 300000
- [more info] public_key_hash_hex: 6bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d
Output 1:
Output: {34 bytes}
- [data] value: 84c2090000000000 (8 bytes)
- [data] script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
- [data] scriptPubKey: 76a914898dff254ca0f389679ce68b33ae0c46b992d9f088ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1DYKgP9cMG3wQhgowRJdrE4gRQvz6yMYEP
- [more info] bitcoin_amount: 0.00639620
- [more info] satoshi_amount: 639620
- [more info] public_key_hash_hex: 898dff254ca0f389679ce68b33ae0c46b992d9f0
Transaction (unsigned form): {198 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 03 (1 bytes)
- Input 0: {40 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: ff96fccdf540cba01674523e8a9fe8ab19a651fe292ffa8dfa5b18110b994b0a (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: [none] (0 bytes)
-- scriptSig: [none] (0 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 1: {40 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: ff96fccdf540cba01674523e8a9fe8ab19a651fe292ffa8dfa5b18110b994b0a (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: [none] (0 bytes)
-- scriptSig: [none] (0 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 2: {40 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: ff96fccdf540cba01674523e8a9fe8ab19a651fe292ffa8dfa5b18110b994b0a (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 02000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: [none] (0 bytes)
-- scriptSig: [none] (0 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 02 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: e093040000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- Output 1: {34 bytes}
-- value: 84c2090000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914898dff254ca0f389679ce68b33ae0c46b992d9f088ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
Transaction (signable form 0): {230 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 03 (1 bytes)
- Input 0 [to be used to sign this signable form]: {66 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: ff96fccdf540cba01674523e8a9fe8ab19a651fe292ffa8dfa5b18110b994b0a (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914a17fd96a5a6d76be05542f1a93a263bf02e3b9bc88ac (25 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 1: {41 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: ff96fccdf540cba01674523e8a9fe8ab19a651fe292ffa8dfa5b18110b994b0a (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 00 (1 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 2: {41 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: ff96fccdf540cba01674523e8a9fe8ab19a651fe292ffa8dfa5b18110b994b0a (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 02000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 00 (1 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 02 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: e093040000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- Output 1: {34 bytes}
-- value: 84c2090000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914898dff254ca0f389679ce68b33ae0c46b992d9f088ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
- hash_type_4_byte: 01000000 (4 bytes)
Transaction (signable form 1): {230 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 03 (1 bytes)
- Input 0: {41 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: ff96fccdf540cba01674523e8a9fe8ab19a651fe292ffa8dfa5b18110b994b0a (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 00 (1 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 1 [to be used to sign this signable form]: {66 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: ff96fccdf540cba01674523e8a9fe8ab19a651fe292ffa8dfa5b18110b994b0a (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914c5a2a172c3d16db0e2e064d182b4ee9fec533bf988ac (25 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 2: {41 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: ff96fccdf540cba01674523e8a9fe8ab19a651fe292ffa8dfa5b18110b994b0a (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 02000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 00 (1 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 02 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: e093040000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- Output 1: {34 bytes}
-- value: 84c2090000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914898dff254ca0f389679ce68b33ae0c46b992d9f088ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
- hash_type_4_byte: 01000000 (4 bytes)
Transaction (signable form 2): {230 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 03 (1 bytes)
- Input 0: {41 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: ff96fccdf540cba01674523e8a9fe8ab19a651fe292ffa8dfa5b18110b994b0a (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 00 (1 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 1: {41 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: ff96fccdf540cba01674523e8a9fe8ab19a651fe292ffa8dfa5b18110b994b0a (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 00 (1 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 2 [to be used to sign this signable form]: {66 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: ff96fccdf540cba01674523e8a9fe8ab19a651fe292ffa8dfa5b18110b994b0a (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 02000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9149254f9b4af834fbea8773a6138d2d53e471fcfe188ac (25 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 02 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: e093040000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- Output 1: {34 bytes}
-- value: 84c2090000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914898dff254ca0f389679ce68b33ae0c46b992d9f088ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
- hash_type_4_byte: 01000000 (4 bytes)
Transaction (signed form): {616 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 03 (1 bytes)
- Input 0: {180 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: ff96fccdf540cba01674523e8a9fe8ab19a651fe292ffa8dfa5b18110b994b0a (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 8b (1 bytes)
-- scriptSig: 48304502210091c97b0f3195bad52438436f9a41745364f435171f89700a8744b1d120c63ddf022054ca2c65a57076d4563df23e31f7527290c8518c4671a2cd1e81082ad58c2e660141043b0ce517d5e3206e77f6c7f0c6a2ca264c09202cc34a7036adc391434dfad435eb0fdddb7637dae95c24131adfe2e95faa49365bf7eada7e2e25b09a21f5379e (139 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 1: {179 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: ff96fccdf540cba01674523e8a9fe8ab19a651fe292ffa8dfa5b18110b994b0a (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 8a (1 bytes)
-- scriptSig: 47304402206231487d016d507ec1373caad8404240737b17b08628ea7396bb230c3b7daf020220637e036bc290834962e284fc81e6176baa890c057f713c7884eef264f1dcfe82014104da0f0a2fb16d1c739e05e9d14a6dbc411bd6c31f3cec812e12d7402f6352cc3dee78882fc83a3bccf087c1224798eaa1fefa19c2150db09e860e290414885666 (138 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 2: {179 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: ff96fccdf540cba01674523e8a9fe8ab19a651fe292ffa8dfa5b18110b994b0a (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 02000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 8a (1 bytes)
-- scriptSig: 47304402203311351244e4c4ecaa8cf006f664d7c1beacf6e5b249b9e37b4fe0a0255db97d02205324c9aeb394dd0323c227f523aad0b37c2d9f8110a8c29a45fd5566102628c50141046ca6bcf1a709667ce9c219df51d8cbb4f6c764a4deeac000613d68f62628739c2ac082421ea0bdf28379c58b3be25d4af6c1cd2216fb4061283d20a9de7f9368 (138 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 02 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: e093040000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- Output 1: {34 bytes}
-- value: 84c2090000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914898dff254ca0f389679ce68b33ae0c46b992d9f088ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
Signed transaction:
Signed transaction Tx5:
Decode and broadcast Tx5.
Result: Txid5 is:
Transaction Tx5 now has 6+ confirmations.
Next: Create transaction Tx6, which will transfer bitcoin from A1 and A2 to A3.
I'll use a fee of 6 satoshi / byte. Estimated delay: 2-10 blocks.
Generate two new random K values.
Look up the unspent outputs.
stjohn@judgement:work$ python get_unspent_outputs_in_address.py --address 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX
address: 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX
balance (satoshi): 300000
balance (bitcoin): 0.00300000
- unspent output 0:
-- txid: 10f92ae76b7df85ca3a3dc14e9445e68461fe2d2efad28c91000eb0ac6053411
-- previous_output_index: 0
-- satoshi_value: 300000
-- bitcoin_value: 0.00300000
stjohn@judgement:work$ python get_unspent_outputs_in_address.py --address 1DYKgP9cMG3wQhgowRJdrE4gRQvz6yMYEP
address: 1DYKgP9cMG3wQhgowRJdrE4gRQvz6yMYEP
balance (satoshi): 639620
balance (bitcoin): 0.00639620
- unspent output 0:
-- txid: 10f92ae76b7df85ca3a3dc14e9445e68461fe2d2efad28c91000eb0ac6053411
-- previous_output_index: 1
-- satoshi_value: 639620
-- bitcoin_value: 0.00639620
I've set the controls in the tool create_transaction_3.py as shown below.
# Note: Hex characters in input variable values must be lowercase. | |
random_values = [ | |
"2fc30fed4b5e84fed20f4e43d1efc58b2a0970da22e0405690f477f8b9b6d46a", | |
"0d1df243ebf5b19ce72e40319a60992d43c96474315244975267d01cbaa060d4", | |
] | |
# random_value must be between 1 and 32 bytes. If random_value_type is "raw_bytes", then random_value must be between 1 and 32 ASCII characters. If random_value_type is "hex_bytes", then random_value must be an even number of hex characters and between 2 and 64 hex characters (1 byte is represented by 2 hex characters). | |
# Note: Every ECDSA signature (one for each input in a transaction) requires new random entropy. | |
# random_value_type options: ["raw_bytes", "hex_bytes"] | |
random_value_type = "hex_bytes" | |
input_data = [ | |
{ | |
"txid": "10f92ae76b7df85ca3a3dc14e9445e68461fe2d2efad28c91000eb0ac6053411", | |
"previous_output_index": "0", | |
"private_key_hex": "1647a11df9b9785669d630fa90d6c8242a622a8fc077fb50fc4c52f8391c22ad", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.00300000", | |
}, | |
{ | |
"txid": "10f92ae76b7df85ca3a3dc14e9445e68461fe2d2efad28c91000eb0ac6053411", | |
"previous_output_index": "1", | |
"private_key_hex": "ec30b469f5e9b16d565168fbf4c9a60050feab0349ac03ff7611a3a76f2bcd4a", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.00639620", | |
}, | |
] | |
output_data = [ | |
{ | |
"address": "1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.00939620", | |
}, | |
] | |
# note: all inputs and outputs are assumed to be Pay-To-Public-Key-Hash (P2PKH). | |
change_address = "1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX" | |
# note: the fee will be subtracted from the amount that is being sent to the change address. | |
fee = "" # satoshi | |
fee_rate = "6" # satoshi / byte | |
# fee_type options: ["fee", "fee_rate"] | |
fee_type = "fee_rate" | |
Create and sign the transaction.
stjohn@judgement:work$ python create_transaction_3.py
- Fee type: fee_rate
- Fee rate: 6.0 (satoshi / byte)
- Number of inputs (i.e. as-yet-unspent outputs): 2
- Number of outputs: 1
- Change address: 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX
- Amount to be sent to the change address: 0.00939620
- Input addresses, with total-value-to-be-sent:
-- 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX: 0.00300000
-- 1DYKgP9cMG3wQhgowRJdrE4gRQvz6yMYEP: 0.00639620
- Output addresses, with total-value-to-be-received:
-- 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX: 0.00939620
- Total value of all inputs: 0.00939620
- Total value of all outputs: 0.00939620
- Total value of all inputs exactly matches total value of all outputs.
- Estimated transaction size: 402 bytes
- Fee rate: 6.0 (satoshi / byte)
- Calculate 402 * 6.0 and round up to nearest satoshi.
- Final fee: 2412 (satoshi)
- Final fee rate (using estimated transaction size): 6.0000 (satoshi per byte)
- Fee subtracted from amount-to-be-sent-to-change-address.
- New amount to be sent to change address: 937208 (satoshi)
- Size of signed transaction: 403 bytes
- (signed_tx_size - estimated_tx_size): 1 bytes
- Fee rate in signed transaction: 5.985 (satoshi / byte)
Input 0:
Input: {40 bytes unsigned, 66 bytes signable, 180 bytes signed}
- [data] previous_output_hash: 113405c60aeb0010c928adefd2e21f46685e44e914dca3a35cf87d6be72af910 (32 bytes)
- [data] previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
- [signed form] script_length: 8b (1 bytes)
- [signed form] scriptSig: 483045022100d7e042d154e661ba62b58454f04ac57b84c93d6df6984c4f814569d5e8d9f87f02203adf0a27a822a55096cb78a8e04ed021796121fddbba63b7686c1c5ebe0daff90141045141d905ca3f3c688bd1fd9b2d91ffeb7c12082dcfe2674ccf0239d75b0456acdf5a53b153907a14712d1c6743a264488e7705c42229fe4d2365bfcd592ab254 (139 bytes)
- [data] sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- [used for signing] private_key_hex: 1647a11df9b9785669d630fa90d6c8242a622a8fc077fb50fc4c52f8391c22ad (32 bytes)
- [source, goes into scriptSig] public_key_hex: 045141d905ca3f3c688bd1fd9b2d91ffeb7c12082dcfe2674ccf0239d75b0456acdf5a53b153907a14712d1c6743a264488e7705c42229fe4d2365bfcd592ab254 (65 bytes)
- [signable form] script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
- [signable form] scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX
- [more info] previous_output_index_int: 0
- [more info] txid: 10f92ae76b7df85ca3a3dc14e9445e68461fe2d2efad28c91000eb0ac6053411
Input 1:
Input: {40 bytes unsigned, 66 bytes signable, 179 bytes signed}
- [data] previous_output_hash: 113405c60aeb0010c928adefd2e21f46685e44e914dca3a35cf87d6be72af910 (32 bytes)
- [data] previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- [signed form] script_length: 8a (1 bytes)
- [signed form] scriptSig: 473044022005a57c24dd640ff2f547681872e3f766fd74ee3fa85473443c8a56861945be17022003fd9614906bdf83acfd6a99e8766810d15973398d4d53319c7dc5bf8af48223014104c9e9e0bb9a923e815fdef402b23d92fc751d498832fb5a0cbf349e4deba7d4f55d19020b8a7b84c6c8ea03c1635f6dc15be4163a9a914f017d79541a79b2fa8e (138 bytes)
- [data] sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- [used for signing] private_key_hex: ec30b469f5e9b16d565168fbf4c9a60050feab0349ac03ff7611a3a76f2bcd4a (32 bytes)
- [source, goes into scriptSig] public_key_hex: 04c9e9e0bb9a923e815fdef402b23d92fc751d498832fb5a0cbf349e4deba7d4f55d19020b8a7b84c6c8ea03c1635f6dc15be4163a9a914f017d79541a79b2fa8e (65 bytes)
- [signable form] script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
- [signable form] scriptPubKey: 76a914898dff254ca0f389679ce68b33ae0c46b992d9f088ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1DYKgP9cMG3wQhgowRJdrE4gRQvz6yMYEP
- [more info] previous_output_index_int: 1
- [more info] txid: 10f92ae76b7df85ca3a3dc14e9445e68461fe2d2efad28c91000eb0ac6053411
Output 0:
Output: {34 bytes}
- [data] value: f84c0e0000000000 (8 bytes)
- [data] script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
- [data] scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX
- [more info] bitcoin_amount: 0.00937208
- [more info] satoshi_amount: 937208
- [more info] public_key_hash_hex: 6bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d
Transaction (unsigned form): {124 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 02 (1 bytes)
- Input 0: {40 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 113405c60aeb0010c928adefd2e21f46685e44e914dca3a35cf87d6be72af910 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: [none] (0 bytes)
-- scriptSig: [none] (0 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 1: {40 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 113405c60aeb0010c928adefd2e21f46685e44e914dca3a35cf87d6be72af910 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: [none] (0 bytes)
-- scriptSig: [none] (0 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 01 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: f84c0e0000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
Transaction (signable form 0): {155 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 02 (1 bytes)
- Input 0 [to be used to sign this signable form]: {66 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 113405c60aeb0010c928adefd2e21f46685e44e914dca3a35cf87d6be72af910 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 1: {41 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 113405c60aeb0010c928adefd2e21f46685e44e914dca3a35cf87d6be72af910 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 00 (1 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 01 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: f84c0e0000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
- hash_type_4_byte: 01000000 (4 bytes)
Transaction (signable form 1): {155 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 02 (1 bytes)
- Input 0: {41 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 113405c60aeb0010c928adefd2e21f46685e44e914dca3a35cf87d6be72af910 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 00 (1 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 1 [to be used to sign this signable form]: {66 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 113405c60aeb0010c928adefd2e21f46685e44e914dca3a35cf87d6be72af910 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914898dff254ca0f389679ce68b33ae0c46b992d9f088ac (25 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 01 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: f84c0e0000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
- hash_type_4_byte: 01000000 (4 bytes)
Transaction (signed form): {403 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 02 (1 bytes)
- Input 0: {180 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 113405c60aeb0010c928adefd2e21f46685e44e914dca3a35cf87d6be72af910 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 8b (1 bytes)
-- scriptSig: 483045022100d7e042d154e661ba62b58454f04ac57b84c93d6df6984c4f814569d5e8d9f87f02203adf0a27a822a55096cb78a8e04ed021796121fddbba63b7686c1c5ebe0daff90141045141d905ca3f3c688bd1fd9b2d91ffeb7c12082dcfe2674ccf0239d75b0456acdf5a53b153907a14712d1c6743a264488e7705c42229fe4d2365bfcd592ab254 (139 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- Input 1: {179 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 113405c60aeb0010c928adefd2e21f46685e44e914dca3a35cf87d6be72af910 (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 01000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 8a (1 bytes)
-- scriptSig: 473044022005a57c24dd640ff2f547681872e3f766fd74ee3fa85473443c8a56861945be17022003fd9614906bdf83acfd6a99e8766810d15973398d4d53319c7dc5bf8af48223014104c9e9e0bb9a923e815fdef402b23d92fc751d498832fb5a0cbf349e4deba7d4f55d19020b8a7b84c6c8ea03c1635f6dc15be4163a9a914f017d79541a79b2fa8e (138 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 01 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: f84c0e0000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
Signed transaction:
Signed transaction Tx6:
Decode and broadcast Tx6.
Result: Txid6 is:
Woops. Made a mistake. Forgot to change the output address to be A3 instead of A1.
Ah well. Move forward.
Transaction Tx6 now has 6+ confirmations.
Next: Create transaction Tx7, which will transfer bitcoin from A1 back to the online exchange account.
My Solidi deposit address:
I'll use a fee of 6 satoshi / byte. Estimated delay: 2-8 blocks.
Generate a new random K value.
Look up the unspent outputs.
stjohn@judgement:work$ python get_unspent_outputs_in_address.py --address 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX
address: 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX
balance (satoshi): 937208
balance (bitcoin): 0.00937208
- unspent output 0:
-- txid: 8f23fddd6176059649c4b12eb45d8062748f42dd6b6cab7067aae2cd56776f48
-- previous_output_index: 0
-- satoshi_value: 937208
-- bitcoin_value: 0.00937208
I've set the controls in the tool create_transaction_3.py as shown below.
# Note: Hex characters in input variable values must be lowercase. | |
random_values = [ | |
"79d93d141305855969f57329fd34173c2546ad9be09f84f458c9d87bbf12b24c", | |
] | |
# random_value must be between 1 and 32 bytes. If random_value_type is "raw_bytes", then random_value must be between 1 and 32 ASCII characters. If random_value_type is "hex_bytes", then random_value must be an even number of hex characters and between 2 and 64 hex characters (1 byte is represented by 2 hex characters). | |
# Note: Every ECDSA signature (one for each input in a transaction) requires new random entropy. | |
# random_value_type options: ["raw_bytes", "hex_bytes"] | |
random_value_type = "hex_bytes" | |
input_data = [ | |
{ | |
"txid": "8f23fddd6176059649c4b12eb45d8062748f42dd6b6cab7067aae2cd56776f48", | |
"previous_output_index": "0", | |
"private_key_hex": "1647a11df9b9785669d630fa90d6c8242a622a8fc077fb50fc4c52f8391c22ad", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.00937208", | |
}, | |
] | |
output_data = [ | |
{ | |
"address": "1NBXXLc7443x5KFw7k5jbnHBwM1CNGw6ka", | |
#"satoshi_amount": "", | |
"bitcoin_amount": "0.00937208", | |
}, | |
] | |
# note: all inputs and outputs are assumed to be Pay-To-Public-Key-Hash (P2PKH). | |
change_address = "1NBXXLc7443x5KFw7k5jbnHBwM1CNGw6ka" | |
# note: the fee will be subtracted from the amount that is being sent to the change address. | |
fee = "" # satoshi | |
fee_rate = "6" # satoshi / byte | |
# fee_type options: ["fee", "fee_rate"] | |
fee_type = "fee_rate" | |
Create and sign the transaction.
stjohn@judgement:work$ python create_transaction_3.py
- Fee type: fee_rate
- Fee rate: 6.0 (satoshi / byte)
- Number of inputs (i.e. as-yet-unspent outputs): 1
- Number of outputs: 1
- Change address: 1NBXXLc7443x5KFw7k5jbnHBwM1CNGw6ka
- Amount to be sent to the change address: 0.00937208
- Input addresses, with total-value-to-be-sent:
-- 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX: 0.00937208
- Output addresses, with total-value-to-be-received:
-- 1NBXXLc7443x5KFw7k5jbnHBwM1CNGw6ka: 0.00937208
- Total value of all inputs: 0.00937208
- Total value of all outputs: 0.00937208
- Total value of all inputs exactly matches total value of all outputs.
- Estimated transaction size: 223 bytes
- Fee rate: 6.0 (satoshi / byte)
- Calculate 223 * 6.0 and round up to nearest satoshi.
- Final fee: 1338 (satoshi)
- Final fee rate (using estimated transaction size): 6.0000 (satoshi per byte)
- Fee subtracted from amount-to-be-sent-to-change-address.
- New amount to be sent to change address: 935870 (satoshi)
- Size of signed transaction: 223 bytes
- (signed_tx_size - estimated_tx_size): 0 bytes
- Fee rate in signed transaction: 6.0 (satoshi / byte)
Input 0:
Input: {40 bytes unsigned, 66 bytes signable, 179 bytes signed}
- [data] previous_output_hash: 486f7756cde2aa6770ab6c6bdd428f7462805db42eb1c44996057661ddfd238f (32 bytes)
- [data] previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
- [signed form] script_length: 8a (1 bytes)
- [signed form] scriptSig: 4730440220550fa9bc55b09f93770c593f46724b4e604076df8e6be26a06fe240936a4580b0220213ab793d6d1d583aa8794d353b8739729bed96d7127bc08855de9516189c6d50141045141d905ca3f3c688bd1fd9b2d91ffeb7c12082dcfe2674ccf0239d75b0456acdf5a53b153907a14712d1c6743a264488e7705c42229fe4d2365bfcd592ab254 (138 bytes)
- [data] sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- [used for signing] private_key_hex: 1647a11df9b9785669d630fa90d6c8242a622a8fc077fb50fc4c52f8391c22ad (32 bytes)
- [source, goes into scriptSig] public_key_hex: 045141d905ca3f3c688bd1fd9b2d91ffeb7c12082dcfe2674ccf0239d75b0456acdf5a53b153907a14712d1c6743a264488e7705c42229fe4d2365bfcd592ab254 (65 bytes)
- [signable form] script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
- [signable form] scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1AppardGrpGdddB2HUTLRd2GGWaYAWDByX
- [more info] previous_output_index_int: 0
- [more info] txid: 8f23fddd6176059649c4b12eb45d8062748f42dd6b6cab7067aae2cd56776f48
Output 0:
Output: {34 bytes}
- [data] value: be470e0000000000 (8 bytes)
- [data] script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
- [data] scriptPubKey: 76a914e85847cbba0756cf4b881bd2fc114956fd51b00188ac (25 bytes)
- [more info] address: 1NBXXLc7443x5KFw7k5jbnHBwM1CNGw6ka
- [more info] bitcoin_amount: 0.00935870
- [more info] satoshi_amount: 935870
- [more info] public_key_hash_hex: e85847cbba0756cf4b881bd2fc114956fd51b001
Transaction (unsigned form): {84 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 01 (1 bytes)
- Input 0: {40 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 486f7756cde2aa6770ab6c6bdd428f7462805db42eb1c44996057661ddfd238f (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: [none] (0 bytes)
-- scriptSig: [none] (0 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 01 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: be470e0000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914e85847cbba0756cf4b881bd2fc114956fd51b00188ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
Transaction (signable form 0): {114 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 01 (1 bytes)
- Input 0 [to be used to sign this signable form]: {66 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 486f7756cde2aa6770ab6c6bdd428f7462805db42eb1c44996057661ddfd238f (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length_scriptPubKey: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a9146bc4673483dfe54e2cc83fed2f235cf8102e643d88ac (25 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 01 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: be470e0000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914e85847cbba0756cf4b881bd2fc114956fd51b00188ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
- hash_type_4_byte: 01000000 (4 bytes)
Transaction (signed form): {223 bytes}
- version: 01000000 (4 bytes)
- input_count: 01 (1 bytes)
- Input 0: {179 bytes}
-- previous_output_hash: 486f7756cde2aa6770ab6c6bdd428f7462805db42eb1c44996057661ddfd238f (32 bytes)
-- previous_output_index: 00000000 (4 bytes)
-- script_length: 8a (1 bytes)
-- scriptSig: 4730440220550fa9bc55b09f93770c593f46724b4e604076df8e6be26a06fe240936a4580b0220213ab793d6d1d583aa8794d353b8739729bed96d7127bc08855de9516189c6d50141045141d905ca3f3c688bd1fd9b2d91ffeb7c12082dcfe2674ccf0239d75b0456acdf5a53b153907a14712d1c6743a264488e7705c42229fe4d2365bfcd592ab254 (138 bytes)
-- sequence: ffffffff (4 bytes)
- output_count: 01 (1 bytes)
- Output 0: {34 bytes}
-- value: be470e0000000000 (8 bytes)
-- script_length: 19 (1 bytes)
-- scriptPubKey: 76a914e85847cbba0756cf4b881bd2fc114956fd51b00188ac (25 bytes)
- block_lock_time: 00000000 (4 bytes)
Signed transaction:
Signed transaction Tx7:
Decode and broadcast Tx7.
Result: Txid7 is:
Transaction Tx7 now has 6+ confirmations.
Good. That's the end of this project.